What We Offer

Toddlers/ Early Learners
2 to 3 years old
Depending on your child’s development and your comfort level, our toddler program is offered to children 10-15 months old and continues until 3 years old....
Depending on your child’s development and your comfort level, our toddler program is offered to children 10-15 months old and continues until 3 years old. This program provides a nurturing and educational classroom setting and assists children in reaching necessary developmental milestones, social interactions and investigation and exploration of their environment.
- Feeding themselves.
- Walking up steps using alternate feet.
- Using the toilet daily.
- Developing daily hygiene and nutritional patterns and habits.
- Attempting to put on shoes and socks.
- Using 3–5-word sentences.
- Engaging with adults and peers.
- Sorting things, manipulating toys with parts and playing make-believe.
- Expressing them self, turning pages and pretending to read.
- Reaching fine and gross motor competencies.

Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten
3 to 5 years old
Parkside’s preschool program begins at 3 years old and continues until your child is kindergarten ready. Our program offers a rich environment for students...
Parkside’s preschool program begins at 3 years old and continues until your child is kindergarten ready. Our program offers a rich environment for students to continue their social, emotional and character development. We'll explore early literacy and language skills, mathematical and scientific concepts, music, and the arts. Once your child masters these skills, we encourage them to enroll in our kindergarten program.
- Balancing on one foot, jumping, and engaging with activity stimuli (e.g., throwing, kicking, catching, etc.).
- Recognizing letters, colors, objects, numbers, time, etc.
- Bathing, dressing and undressing themselves with minimal assistance.
- Washing their hands, brushing their teeth, and maintaining hygiene and toilet habits.
- Engaging in group games.
- Asking questions.
- Knowing and recognizing their first and last names.
- Taking turns and understanding the concept of sharing and respecting the personal space of themselves and others.
- Attempting writing and increasing their exposure to reading.

Full Day program from 7:30-5:15 with no additional before/after school fees
Flexible admissions- no cut-off date; program is designed to successfully adapt to various learning styles and levels, allowing for those who may not qualify for traditional public education to receive access to high level curriculum...
Full Day program from 7:30-5:15 with no additional before/after school fees
Flexible admissions- no cut-off date; program is designed to successfully adapt to various learning styles and levels, allowing for those who may not qualify for traditional public education to receive access to high level curriculum
A dynamic curriculum aligned with the Idaho Core Content Standards in English Language Arts/Literacy, Math, Literacy in History/Social Studies and Science.
Effective utilization of the Cullinan-Moore Blueprints for Language Multisensory/Explicit Phonics program
Progress Reports and Parent Teacher conferences
Imaginative play incorporating science, math and social development concepts
Professional, degreed staff dedicated to high quality education
Small class sizes (14 max) with differentiated instruction
Elective offerings with qualified professionals including dance, music, soccer, gymnastics, yoga, swim
Monthly field trips including MK Nature Center, Boise Art Museum, The Discovery Center, Idaho Botanical Gardens, The Watershed, Tyler’s Rocky Point Orchard
Nature walks and experiences on the Boise Greenbelt, Kirstin Armstrong Park and MK Nature Center
Community building/Practical life activities including cooking, gardening and theatre
Parkside School Admission
The admission process at Parkside is easy. Please download, print and fill out the following enrollment form. You will find the tuition on the second page. After completing the form, email it, bring it to Parkside School or mail it.